This tool will calculate the summary statistics of the HBM data in a standardized and comparable way. Example of statistics calculated are sample size, arithmetic and geometric means with confidence intervals, standard deviations, standard errors, and percentiles (5th to 95th) with their confidence intervals. The tool runs locally on your PC, therefore the individual data are not stored but stays exclusively on your local PC.
User manual
Before using the summary statistics tool check that the following actions are completed:
1. Individual HBM data is harmonized
2. Individual HBM data is validated using the validation tool
3. Individual HBM data is enriched with derived variables using the derived variables tool
When opening the tool you should select the output file from step 3 (formatted excel) as input file. Depending on the dataset size the time to complete the calculations can vary from a few minutes up to a few hours.
All variables included in the output file are explained in the Summary statistics codebook. Tis codebook and information about the calculation performed can be consulted here: Summary statistics documentation.
The webpage and its content have been developed within the context of H2020 project HBM4EU (2017-2022; Grant Agreement No 733032) and Horizon Europe partnership PARC (2022-2029; Grant Agreement No 101057014).