On this page you can find different tools that have been developed (or are under development) by VITO to facilitate harmonized formatting of HBM data.
Data harmonization
In this section instructions are provided to harmonize your individual HBM and accompanying data, and as such making them more FAIR. Data harmonization will improve the comparability of your data with data from other HBM studies. It will make your data interoperable for use with tools such as MCRA (Monte Carlo Risk Assessment software) or the tool for the calculation of summary statistics of the HBM data, which can be made available via IPCHEM and/or integrated into the European HBM dashboard.
Tool for data validation
This tool allows to perform a check of the individual level data as harmonized in the data templates of the previous section with regard to the formats and rules specified in the basic codebook.
Tool for the calculation of derived variables
This tool will allow to add derived variables, based on the individual level data, to your data template, for example imputed biomarker data, standardization for creatinine, specific gravity, lipids, etc.
Tool for the calculation of summary statistics
This tool will allow to calculate the summary statistics of the HBM data in a standardized and comparable way. These summary statistics can be made available via IPCHEM and/or integrated into the European HBM dashboard.
The webpage and its content have been developed within the context of H2020 project HBM4EU (2017-2022; Grant Agreement No 733032) and Horizon Europe partnership PARC (2022-2029; Grant Agreement No 101057014).